Sounds of Camden

September 29, 2014 – December 18, 2014

As a sequel to the 2012 exhibition, Visions of Camden, which presented a visual history of Camden, Sounds of Camden will explore the city through its music, poetry, and voices from past to present. The exhibition will present examples of Victrolas and phonographs developed in Camden, visual memorabilia and artifacts, and offer recordings from the company’s vast playlist. It will also present live performances and recordings that carry historic and contemporary Sounds of Camden: Camden resident Walt Whitman, music recorded in Camden and contemporary compositions, poetry, recorded oral history.

Camden Collects

July 7 – September 18, 2014
Closing Reception “Third Thursday” September 18th 5 – 7 pm
Summer Hours: Monday – Friday 10 am – 4 pm

The Stedman Gallery presents an engaging exhibition of artworks and objects collected by individuals living and/or working in the city of Camden. The collectors include Camden City Mayor Dana L. Redd, Rutgers University–Camden student and retired teacher Bert Hubbard and his partner Chris Deane, Rutgers University–Camden Professor of Film Studies and comix fan Robert Emmons, and Cal Maradonna, director of Rutgers–Camden Studies Abroad program.