Cuentos Populares: Latino Folk Tales Illustrated by Latino Artists

March 7 to April 25, 2012

Cuentos Populares

Cuentos Populares features original illustrations from bilingual Latino folk tales published in children’s picture books. The illustrations enhance stories collected from many Spanish-speaking regions including Mexico, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, Central and South America. 

Folk tale literature encompasses magic and symbolism revealed in stories of saints, gods and goddesses, origins of creation, wily tricksters and the bogeyman; the roots of the tales can be traced back through centuries to Persia, India and China. Cinderella, for example, was first recorded in China about 850 AD. 

Ten award-winning artists focus their lively imaginations, distinctive styles and colorful palettes to bring the stories alive: Lulu Delacre, Maya Gonzalez, Leovigildo Martinez, Felipe Davalos, Beatriz Vidal, Honorio Robledo, Esau Andrade Valencia, Amy Cordova, Susan Guevara, and Raul Colon. 
Curated by Sylvia Nissley and circulated by Smith Kramer Traveling exhibition services.